The Creativity Door (Español)
The Creativity Door
La Puerta de la CreatividadHelen Chadwick & Natalia Marcet
Saturday 5 June 2021 ◊ UK TIME: 19:00 (English & Spanish) ◊ LOCATION: Zoom

Maximum 24 participants / Numero de vacantes: 24
Waking up our creative juices through writing, drawing, singing, stretching, using colour and connection.
Despertando nuestros jugos creativos a través de la escritura, pintura, canto, elongación, usando colores y conectándonos con nuestro interior.
In this workshop we will move between a brief stretch, some drawing, some writing, using our voice and using colour, with moments of reflection in small groups. No prior experience of writing, art, movement or singing is needed. It is for each of us to do these practices in our own way. There is no pressure to produce anything marvellous or show it. This is simply a way to support ourselves to be creative, in the knowledge that others are making things at the same time. We will touch practices lightly, though we may wish one day to return to something we begin to create in these sessions. This is not about being an artist, it is simply about creating and how that experience can nourish us. And it is about nourishing our creativity.
En este workshop, jugaremos con diferentes herramientas creativas que nos permitirán despertrar nuestra Creatividad: Despertar neustro cuerpo elongándonos, pintando, usando nuestra voz y los colores, transitando la experiencia,en pequeños grupos de creación y reflexión, y con el grupo en general.No se necesita experiencia previa en ninguna habilidad artística. No se espera ningún resultado y por ello no hay presión para que esto se produzca..Se rtata simplemente de una forma de ayudarnos y sosternernos grupalmente, para desarrollar nuestra creatividad. Abordaremos las prácticas livianamente de manera de abrir puertas que tal vez algún día querramos retomar para crear algo a partir de lo que surgió en esta s sesiones.No se trata de ser un artista sino de ser creativos comprendiendo como el intercambio grupal puede nutrirnos. Se trata, entonces, de nutrir nuestra creatividad.
DATE/FECHA: Saturday 5 June 2021
UK TIME: 19:00-20:15 + find your local time
COST: 5 / 10 / 15 euro or pay what you can.
DURATION: 1 hour 15 m, with 20m informal chatting afterwards for those who wish to stay on.
DURACION DE LA SESIÓN: 1 hora 15 minutos, seguido por 20 minutos de charla informal para aquellas y aquellos que deseen permanecer conectados y compartir la experiencia.
LOCATION: Zoom – you will receive the zoom link once you have booked in
LANGUAGE: English & Spanish
Helen Chadwick was in Cardiff Lab Theatre with Jill Greenhalgh and took part in the first Magdalena Festival with her solo A Gift For Burning and singing workshops in Cardiff in 1986.
“At the heart of my work is song. With teams of collaborators I create concerts, recordings, song-theatre performances and site-specific choral events.”
Natalia Marcet
In 1999, invited by Ana Woolf, I attended the Magdalena Festival in New Zealand. I had just left treatment for bulimia, because they had told me that it was a risk for my health to take a job as storyteller and to develop my artistic work. I took the risk, met the Magdalena Project, and it was the beginning of the rebirth of my life as an actress, musician and theater pedagogue in vulnerable communities, as a corporal and vocal researcher, and as a storyteller. This helped me to transform the diaries of my experience with bulimia into the performance Gordas, directed by Ana Woolf, which is at the heart of my new healthy artistic way.
Helen Chadwick
Natalia Marcet
@NataliaMarcet (facebook)
UpStage and Cyberformance
UpStage and Cyberformance #1
Helen Varley Jamieson
& Vicki Smith
9 June 2021 ◊ UK TIME: 9:00 ◊ LOCATION: UpStage

Create and present cyberformance using UpStage
UpStage is an online venue for cyberformance (live online performance). Remote players collaborate in real time, using all kinds of digital media including images, animations, audio-visual streams, live text, live drawing and more, to present live performances for online or hybrid online/proximal audiences.
This workshop will introduce the platform and its tools, and give an introduction to devising and performing online. No previous experience or special technical skills are required – just a web browser and internet connection.
DATE: 9 June 2021
UK TIME: 9:00 UK time – find your local time
COST: 5 / 10 / 15 euro or pay what you can.
LOCATION: UpStage – you will receive an email with the UpStage link once you have booked in.
Helen Varley Jamieson is a pioneer in the field of cyberformance (live online performance) and is one of the founders of UpStage.
VIcki Smith is a multi-disciplinary artist creating participatory works with a local global environmental focus. She is a co founder of UpStage.
Vicki SMith
Helen Varley Jamieson
UpStage and Cyberformance
UpStage and Cyberformance #2
Helen Varley Jamieson
& Christina Papagiannouli
Monday 14 June 2021 ◊ UK TIME: 20:00 ◊ LOCATION: UpStage

Create and present cyberformance using UpStage
UpStage is an online venue for cyberformance (live online performance). Remote players collaborate in real time, using all kinds of digital media including images, animations, audio-visual streams, live text, live drawing and more, to present live performances for online or hybrid online/proximal audiences.
This workshop will introduce the platform and its tools, and give an introduction to devising and performing online. No previous experience or special technical skills are required – just a web browser and internet connection.
DATE: Monday 14 June 2021
UK TIME: 20:00 UK time – find your local time
COST: 5 / 10 / 15 euro or pay what you can.
LOCATION: UpStage – you will receive an email with the UpStage link once you have booked in.
Helen Varley Jamieson is a pioneer in the field of cyberformance (live online performance) and is one of the founders of UpStage.
Christina Papagiannouli has worked with UpStage for more than 10 years in the context of her E-Theatre project.
The Etheatre Project
Helen Varley Jamieson
Taranta Atelier
Taranta Atelier
Maristella Martella
19 & 20 June 2021 ◊ UK TIME: 17:00-19:00 ◊ LOCATION: Zoom

A workshop dedicated to the ancient and powerful traditional dances and rituals in Southern Italy.
An online version of Maristella Martella’s Taranta Atelier, a workshop dedicated to the ancient and powerful traditional dances and rituals of Southern Italy. Maristella will work with participants over two days (two hours per day) uisng Zoom.
DATE: 19 and 20 June 2021
UK TIME: 17:00-19:00 – find your local time
COST: 10 / 20 / 30 euro or pay what you can.
DURATION: 4 hours (2 hours per day for 2 days)
LOCATION: Zoom – you will receive an email with the zoom link once you have booked in.
LANGUAGE: Italian and English
Dancer and choreographer Maristella Martella carries out a theatrical and dance research on the phenomenon of Tarantism and Mediterranean dance and rituals, and their contemporary interpretation.
More info about Maristella’s work:
More info about Maristella’s work:
Creatividad, Inmunidad y Reinvención
Creatividad, Inmunidad y Reinvención
Luciana Martuchelli
DATE: 21-23 June 2021 ◊ UK TIME: 19:00-21:00 ◊ LOCATION: Zoom ◊ LANGUAGE: Español

Como podemos mirar nuestro actual estado de limitación espacial y aislamiento de una manera provocativa, como una oportunidad de dar espacio a la imaginación, autopercepción y expresión creativa?
How can we look to our current state of limited space and isolation in a provocative way, as an opportunity to give place to imagination, to self-perception and to creative expression?
Participants will work with Luciana Martucelli for six hours (two hours per day over three days) to create scenes and small performances.
DATE: 21, 22 & 23 June 2021
UK TIME: 19:00-21:00 – find your local time
COST: 10 / 20 / 30 euro or pay what you can.
DURATION: 120min x 3
LOCATION: Zoom – you will receive an email with the link, once you have booked.
Luciana Martuchelli is an actress and the director of TAO Filmes and Cia. YinsPiração in Brazil. Creator of the Magdalena Festival SOLOS FERTEIS.
Luciana Martuchelli es actriz y la directora de TAO Filmes y Cia. YinsPiração en Brasil. Creadora del festival Magdalena SOLOS FERTEIS.
More info about Luciana’s work:
Creation in Confined Spaces
Creation in Confined Spaces
Jana Korb
Tuesday to Thursday 22-24 June 2021 ◊ UK TIME: 9:00-13:00 - ◊ LOCATION: Zoom
Thursday 24 June 2021, the workshop will start one hour earlier - UK TIME: 8:00-noon

In this workshop, we will research and improvise in limited and unlimited space; we will work on spatial objects on the ground and in the air (chairs, tables, etc.).
In the physical space: We will be working with up to 8 participants at Antagon TheaterAKTion, Frankfurt/M, Germany.
Online: We will work via Zoom with up to 12 participants. Please make sure, your internet connection is good enough for video exchange.
Note: on Thursday 24 June, the workshop will start one hour earlier, so that we can attend the festival opening at 12 noon UK time.
Photos: Vojtěch Brtnicky
DATE: 22, 23 and 24 June 2021
UK TIME: 9:00-13:00 – find your local time.
NOTE: on Thursday 24 June, the workshop will start one hour earlier, so that people can come to the festival opening.
COST: 10 / 20 / 30 euro or pay what you can.
DURATION: 4 hours x 3
LOCATION: Hybrid: Zoom – you will receive the zoom link once you have booked in – and antagon, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
• The workshop is aimed at any physical performers and actors.
• Training clothes – long sleeves and legs. If possible we will be working barefoot.
• If you can, please bring any spatial object that you are interested in: e.g. chair or any kind or furniture, bicycle, bin, box, wheelbarrow…
• Online: you need a space of min. 3m x 3m to be able to move freely with your object.
Jana Korb creates aerial theatre and narrative circus, mainly producing performances in public spaces – and searching for a circus of the future.
More info about Jana’s work: