Saturday 26 June 2021 ◊ TIME: 24/7 ◊ LOCATION: Gather Town

The ObservaStory celebrates The Magdalena Project’s story with a series of documentaries and videos about past Magdalena festivals. it’s also a place to chat, network and connect with others.
In the ObservaStory you can sit around the fire and chat with a group of people, sit at one of the garden tables and speak privately with up to 6 people, or just explore the various videos.
You can explore at any time, before, during and after the festival events.
The ObservaStory has been created in the online social meeting platform Gather.town. Currently, Gather.town only works reliably on a laptop or desktop using a Firefox or Chrome browser. There is limited functionality on mobile devices (phones and tablets).
Enter the ObservaStory
- Click on the link and you will arrive at a page where you can enter your name and customise your avatar.
- Once you have done this, click “next”. Your browser may ask you for permission to access your camera and microphone – click “allow”.
- At this screen you can check that your webcam, microphone, and speakers are working.
- You will then be taken to a short tutorial which explains how to move around and interact with objects.
Once you finish the tutorial you will find yourself in the ObservaStory! The map is big so do have a look around. To speak to somebody simply walk up to them and you should see their video feed and be able to hear them.
To find other people in the ObservaStory, click on their name in the participants list and click “follow” to automatically follow them or locate on map to be shown a path to them.
To watch a video press x. To exit from a video mode press x.
There is more basic information on the Help page of this website.
DATE: Open 24/7 throughout the festival, 24 – 27 June 2021.
LOCATION: https://gather.town/app/JPA3NHFQiiUxObSk/Magdalena
LANGUAGES: videos in the ObservaStory are in English, Spanish, Poruguese and other languages.
The following videos are available for you to explore in the ObservaStory – watch them on your own or with others. You can also access the videos from these links.
‘Magdalena’ documentary film, 2013, produced by Jill Greenhalgh and Sarah Penrhyn Jones.
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/magdalena-documentary-film
Jill Greenhalgh – https://youtu.be/OSfztWasMzw
Julia Varley = https://youtu.be/vZMxe-QBDIM
Geddy Aniksdal – https://youtu.be/kJ5_c-Gg4-s
Brigitte Cirla – https://youtu.be/7dvsXjhsMQU
Cristina Castrillo – https://youtu.be/nJAJCAAHyZE
Bruna Gusberti = https://youtu.be/0nTSPnp39aA
Dijana Milosevic – https://youtu.be/LwGWB3TnUj8
BURNING ISSUES meets Magdalena München [Interview], 2020. Alina Buchberger (Kampnagel Hamburg) interviews Helen Varley Jamieson. Interview von Alina Buchberger (Kampnagel Hamburg) mit Magdalena München im Rahmen der Konferenz BURNING ISSUES meets Kampnagel 2020
TRANSIT IX – HOPE IN ACTION 2019: Theatre, Women, Will. Odin Teatret, Denmark. 12 – 23 June 2019. https://vimeo.com/333213397
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/transit-ix-hope-action
MESTIZA CHILE 2018: Resistance and Memory. Santiago y Valparaíso, Chile. 30 October – 9 November 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsfpeamT_1A
MESTIZA CHILE 2018 Testimonies: https://vimeo.com/78109195
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/mestiza-chile-2018
INTERNATIONALES FRAUEN* THEATER-FESTIVAL 2018. Protagon e.V., Frankfurt. 27 – 30 September 2018. https://vimeo.com/297747505
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/internationales-frauen-theater-festival
TANTIDHATRI 2016: International Women’s Performing Arts Festival. Rangashankara, Bangalore. 17 – 21 February 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZg0kmH489E
About Tantidhatri 2016 – Interview with Parvathy Baul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yca4BLsxI1U
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/tantidhatri-2016
MULTICIDADE 2015: International Festival of Women in the Performing Arts. Rio de Janeiro. Video by Karima Shehata. 31 October – 7 November 2015. https://vimeo.com/145045425
Jadranka Andjelic presents MULTICIDADE 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35HV1P1HSMo&feature=emb_logo
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/node/2204
MAGDALENA3Reinventions 2014: Where to Continue the Dignification process? Heróica Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. Telón de Arena, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Colegio de Chihuahua y Universidad Autónoma de Cd. Juárez. 31 March – 6 April 2014, https://vimeo.com/97397439
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/node/2022
MESTIZA CHILE 2013: Point of Departure. The first Magdalena festival to be held in Chile. It was inspired and motivated by the strength of the network and the energy of every woman within it. Santigao, Chile. 6 – 12 May 2013. https://vimeo.com/69973734
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/mestiza-chile-2013-0
MAGDALENA 2a GENERACION 2011, Argentina, Documentary by Fiore Corona. A 30-minute documentary has been made by Fiore Carona, about the 2011 Encuentro Internacional Argentina, organised by Magdalena Segunda Generacíon and held in Junín, Buenos Aires and Dolores, Argentina.
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/documentary-magdalena-2a-generacion-festival-2011
TRANSIT VI, DENMARK 2009: Women on the Periphery, Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark. Video by Adriana de Andrade & Luciana Martichelli. 6-16 August 2009.
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/transit-vi
MAGDALENA PACIFICA 2002: Festival Internaciónal de Teatro Calí, Pacifica Cali, Colombia. A festival hosted by Teatro La Mascara in Cali and Bogota, 21 September – 5 October 2002.
For further details see: https://www.themagdalenaproject.org/en/content/magdalena-pacifica-colombia-2002