A few words of appreciation and gratitude for the closure by Janaina Matter
A few words of appreciation and gratitude for the closure of our first Bodies:on:Live
remember to tell the earth to embrace me
the wind to guide me
the water to move me
the sky to dream me
forget not of the homeless
the hungry
the lonely
the deceased
the ones in grief
Janaina and her cat take the risk to sing
take the risk to dance
take pride in being queer
every now and then
be grateful
that I can still breath
invite people over to my home
take a peek inside their own
perhaps, remember I am not
share the screen
share the scream
share the dreams
remember to double check the time
to pee before block 9
to laugh on every break
to cry
fill up with admiration
and gratitude
until next time
Janaina Matter
(pictured below with Clotilde Matter, a regular audience member at the festival)